
出題はヨセフスの問題(Josephus Problem)(継子立て)なるものでした。

  1. 1〜Nの番号のN枚のカードが順に並んた山がある
  2. まず上にある1枚を山の最後へまわす
  3. 次は上にある1枚を捨てる
  4. 1枚になるまで(ステップ2-4を)繰り返すと最後に残るカードはどの番号のカードか?


using System;

namespace JosephusProblem {
	public static class Program {
		public static class JosephusProblem {
			public static int LeastExpressibleBits(ulong mask) {
				return (int)Math.Ceiling(Math.Log(mask) / Math.Log(2));
			public static int BitScanReverse(ulong mask) {
				return (int)Math.Floor(Math.Log(mask) / Math.Log(2));
			public static ulong Solve1(ulong numberOfCards) {
				int bits = LeastExpressibleBits((ulong)numberOfCards);
				ulong mask = (1UL << bits) - 1;
				return numberOfCards - ((~numberOfCards) & mask);
			public static ulong Solve2(ulong numberOfCards) {
				ulong discards = 1UL << BitScanReverse((ulong)numberOfCards);
				return (numberOfCards - discards) * 2 + 1;

		public static void Main() {
			for (int i = 0; i < 63; i++) {
				ulong n = (1UL << i) + (ulong)(i * i) + 1;
				ulong x = JosephusProblem.Solve1(n);
				ulong y = JosephusProblem.Solve2(n);
				if (x != y) throw new Exception();
				Console.WriteLine("winner of {0} cards : {1} == {2}", n, x, y);
			for (ulong n = 1UL << 62; n < (1UL << 63); n++) {
				ulong x = JosephusProblem.Solve1(n);
				ulong y = JosephusProblem.Solve2(n);
				if (x != y) throw new Exception();
				Console.Write("winner of {0} cards : {1}\r", n, x);